Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Kylie and her firefighter dad

Okay-this is not the most recent picture of Kylie--but it is one of my favorites of her and her dad. Coal Valley Fire was having a training burn and Doug was able to be a part of it. This was taken in January of 1998. Doug pretty much hates to have his picture taken-so this is one of the few I have.

This is Patrick. He is my 8 year boy...who loves to play. He will play in the snow of Winter, he will play in the leaves of Fall, the raindrops of Spring and the heat of Summer. Here he is with the start of his snow fort. The temps have been cold enough that the fort has not melted-last week it was 27 degrees below zero. He bundles himself up and will play as long as I let him!

Here is Kylie. She and a friend had baked a Caramel Apple Pie for the Fall Festival Pie Baking contest; Labor Day 2008. I think she surprised herself with the pie turning out. Papa Jim bought the pie for a mere $275. She said she will gladly bake him another anytime!

This is me...in one of my favorite places to play when I was learning to get from here to there. My mom and dad both consider this to be one of their favorite pics. It was taken in our apartment in Orion, I was on a utility cart in the kitchen. I was just past one...so that makes this picture to be taken summer 1972.